Exploring the Lives of Filipinos Embracing Web3 and Play-to-Earn Gaming in Metaverse
Introducing Metaverse Filipino Worker (MFW)
A Glimpse into the World of Play-to-Earn Gaming
Discover how players are immersing themselves in Web3 technology and play-to-earn gaming to earn a living in the Metaverse.
Unveiling the Realities of Online Work in the Digital Era
Explore the challenges and triumphs faced by Filipino workers who have found a new way to make a living through online gaming platforms.
Shedding Light on the Stories of Metaverse Players
Personal Journeys in the Virtual World
Delve into the personal experiences of individuals who have turned to play-to-earn gaming as a means of income in the Metaverse.
Community Impact and Social Dynamics
Learn about the social connections and communities that have formed among Filipino players in the digital realm, and how it has impacted their lives.